Monday, June 15, 2015

Flat is So Easy -- Not!

The hills of north Georgia challenged our cycling skills.  Though we were quite tired and grimy after our Battlefield roadtrip, we felt a real sense of accomplishment, having climbed a couple of steep grades.  We didn't know just how steep until we checked our MapMyRide statistics.  The grade graph shows the inclines we pedaled.  Yes, sir, that made us even more proud of our accomplishment.

Back in south Georgia, we were on flat land.  We knew we wouldn't get the same challenge the Battlefield ride presented us, but we decided another lengthy ride would be good preparation for our upcoming vacation.  So off to Tallahassee we went to bike the St. Mark's Trail.

We've ridden this trail before (hence, no pictures this trip), but we had forgotten how much of a workout flat riding can be.  There is no coasting, just constant pedaling.  The flat line graph again provided a visual of our day's challenge.

Arriving in St. Marks, FL, around lunchtime, we selected a restaurant based on reviews we found on Google.  Pirates Landing offered us a cool inside table, a delicious seafood lunch, and lots of water to re-hydrate on this hot spring day.

The return trip to Tallahassee was pleasantly uneventful.

Our last stop of the day, as we headed north out of town, was GiGi's.  A sweet treat - a cupcake for the road.

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