About Us

We are Jamie and Mary Sullivan.  Thirty-one years into our marriage. Empty nesters. Not yet ready for retirement.  Well, except Jamie has retired once already; for a day. Then on to his second career. Mary, on the other hand, is just 2/3 through her first career. With jobs still, we eagerly await weekends, holidays and summer vacations for bike and RV getaways.

Our camping adventures began when the kids were in primary school.  Tent camping.  Just once for Mary.  That was enough to hook her on the idea.  A pop-up came next.  For a season, the Coleman pop-up was perfectly sized for the four of us.  Until the kids grew.  Then school and ball life intervened.  No time for camping as we spent years following the kids to the ballpark.  We took up bicycle riding and began enjoying nearby trails.  An opportunity to get back into camping in an aging fifth wheeler fed the desire for a roomier, more up-to-date model.

As we approach our sixth summer with the SolAire, our weekend getaways have slowed with new responsibilities at home - aging parents needing our care and a new baby granddaughter! We continue to enjoy our extended summer trip, though.  We're always on the lookout for an adventure, and we're eager to share them with you.

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