Monday, June 15, 2015

Camping + Bicycling + Time with Family = Perfect

A few weekends without a campsite had us itching to hitch up and go.  We had planned a visit to an historic site, but at the last minute - last minute as in, pulling out of the driveway - decided to make it a lakeside weekend, instead.

So we headed to Fort Gaines, GA, to the Corps of Engineer's Cotton Hill Campground.  Fortunately, we got away earlier on this Friday and pulled into the campground at just the right time.  The gatekeeper assigned us a perfectly peaceful site at the far end of the beach overlooking Lake Walter F. George.
The view of Lake Walter F. George from site #73 Cotton Hill Campground, Fort Gaines, GA
Camping close to home has its advantages.  Sara and her friends, as well as Jamie's parents, shared some lake time with us; they lodged around the cove at my brother's lake house.
Campsite set up; having plenty of extra chairs makes having visitors easy.
We loaded the bikes onto the truck and drove over to the Lodge at George T. Bagby State Park where the newly paved bicycle trailhead is located.  From there, we cycled through the forest, along the highway, and across the Georgia side of the dam, logging about ten miles.
Ever the good citizen, Jamie cleared a fallen limb from the bike path.
We can never see too many sunsets.  So here's another one, with a golden glow gleaming across the lake.
Can you believe my camera phone captured these rich colors?  No editing!
An added bonus, we were invited to campground church, so Sunday morning we biked over to the pavilion in the marina view section of the campground and joined a small group for worship.  Two brothers have hosted the quaint service for the past twenty years.  We met some "regulars" and swapped stories of travel plans.

Another pleasant weekend getaway in the books.

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