Thursday, June 23, 2016

Moving On Up

DAY 6 ~ Our Great River Road Adventure

We moved further north today, taking in views of the river and more farmland, before settling at Prairie Island Campground in Winona, MN.  Our campsites sit on the water.
Boater on the Mississippi River

Evening color on the Mississippi at Winona, MN
Farming operations appeared to change after we crossed into Wisconsin from Illinois.  Illinois farm crops were primarily corn and soybeans; in Wisconsin, dairy cows occupied a significant portion of the family farms.

We took advantage of the opportunity to wash clothes at Duds 'n Suds before dinner at Jefferson Pub & Grill.  And, we have wi-fi!  So glad to finally get to post our blog pages and pictures.

We had bets on whether John and Becky would actually make this trip with us; they're here.  We also had bets on how long they'd stay with us before turning toward home; we thought maybe they'd done that today.  We lost them when we turned and they didn't.  In an area where we had sketchy phone service.  And twice when I texted Becky the name of the town, autocorrect changed Potosi, WI to Pictures, WI.  Turning these travel trailers around requires space, so Jamie sent me walking back to the corner and up the hill looking for them.  Fifteen minutes later (or maybe longer), they found us. Six day traveling and we've only been separated once - not bad!

We're having trouble with one of our slides - same song as Saturday, second verse. Jamie spent some time this afternoon troubleshooting; YouTube is such a good resource - think he's figured out the problem - but it may take a dealer to reset the control.


  1. Barbara and Bill King (Barbills)June 25, 2016 at 9:47 AM

    It was so nice to meet you all here at the Prairie Island Campground. I love your blog and I am inviting you to read mine. It is on face book, Barbill's "Have RV Will Travel". I am not the writer you are but us a Kentuckian, I do the best I can. God be with you in your travels and Bless you all on the way.


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