Thursday, June 30, 2016

Going to Chicago

DAY 12 ~ Our Great River Road Adventure

The Zion train station is just a mile or two from the campground at Illinois Beach State Park.  We caught a mid-morning commuter into Chicago. Fortunately, the coffee peddler manning the station taught us to read the schedule so we could figure out where to go and when to return.  And, the weather was perfect for a day of sightseeing in the city - a light breeze with a bright and sunny sky.
Our foursome in Chicago

Becky and John riding the commuter train into Chicago
Before we left Ogilvie Transportation Center, we purchased tickets for the Big Bus, an open top, hop-on-hop-off circuit rider.  We walked several blocks to the first stop to board.  We were happy to ride and look, listening to the tour guide narration so we'd know what we were looking at.  So much concrete and glass. Such narrow streets.  So many vehicles.  We were appreciative of the bus ride!

The handsome Irish exchange student Big Bus employee provided these two with some sunglasses for the bus ride.
Buildings, buildings and more buildings and some green space
The architectural features were nice, but it was the lakeside that drew "ahhs" from our group.  Aqua blue water. Sailboats and tour boats.  Such a beautiful sight.

The water was gorgeous.
We ate lunch - pizza!- at Giordano's on Navy Pier, and afterwards walked it off with a stroll around the pier before re-boarding the Big Bus.  Since water has been the theme of this trip, we also walked along the riverfront, watching kayaks and tour boats moving up the river.

Walking along Navy Pier
Lighthouse in the Chicago harbor
Wrigley Field also was a must-see since we had the baseball coach with us.  We boarded the red line subway for a ride to Addison station, then walked up the block for a photo opp in front of the station. No tours today; crews were readying the facility for tonight's James Taylor concert.

The coach is satisfied - he has visited Wrigley Field
Time was ticking away; we barely got a drink in the pub across the street before we had to race back to the station to return to downtown in time to catch the train back to Zion.  Not all departing trains stop in Zion, so missing the one would mean several hours before another would head that direction. We took only part of the directions another rider gave us: get off at Lake station; we ignored "catch the 151 bus to Ogilvie" and, instead, walked. And walked. And walked.  Four blocks one way and five the other, I think.  The streets were crowded at this hour, unlike how quiet they were when we had arrived mid-morning.

We caught our train and made it back to Zion with daylight to spare.  We admired the party being held in our train car by some regulars.  Apparently, this foursome rotates responsibilities: on this occasion, one gregarious gentleman, bearing large packages, reserved two rows for his guests, and then served beer, cookies, and newspapers.

Glad we went, but happy that we don't have to live and work in the city.

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