Thursday, June 23, 2016

Baseball and Boats

DAY 5 ~ Our Great River Road Adventure

Heading north on the Illinois side of the Mississippi, we stumbled upon the delightful town of Galena.  Ulysses S. Grant once lived here; a statue of his wife Julia Grant stands on knoll in front of their house.
Home of U.S. Grant in Galena, IL

The main street is a hidden gem.  From the south side of the Galena River, one cannot see the many business that line this street.  It must have been a half mile or more of storefronts.  The stately red brick former high school building sits high atop a hillside.

Galena, IL
We had followed Lola’s GPS directions that led us down a couple of gravel roads and through (yet another) cornfield when we had that de je vu feeling: we had arrived at the Field of Dreams.  Manicured and looking just like it did in the movie, the field, the house and the cornfield were fun to see. The baseball coach loved it!  Of course, he threw some batting practice for a kid who was there sightseeing, too.  We watched as family after family arrived, with little boys grabbing their bats and gloves and heading to the field for that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  A really neat place! 

From there, we continued northward on the Iowa side to Guttenburg.  An overlook just before town offered a breathtaking midday view of the river, a roadside honey stand, and a lunch suggestion.  Our lunch at The Picket Fence CafĂ© included the freshly made, hand-picked-from-the-yard cherry pie. 
Overlook south of Guttenburg, IA
While in Guttenburg, we had the fortune to see a barge going through Lock No. 10.  So interesting to see!

A barge waiting to go through Lock #10 at Guttenburg, IA

We are easily entertained!

Too late for sunset, but we captured these few scenes from Lookout Point:


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