Saturday, July 15, 2017

Soaking in the Last Day of Sites

Freedom is not free. I am so thankful for the brave men and women who have battled for our American freedom.

Visiting Gettysburg is an humbling experience.  The many granite memorials perched across this expansive battle site serve as a sobering reminder that our forefathers stood firm in their belief that states' rights should not be infringed upon by the federal government.
Lincoln at Gettysburg

Gettysburg Address

A memorial at the battlefield

Cannon and memorial at the battlefield

Cannon on Confederate Way

On Confederate Way we located the Georgia and South Carolina memorials, then rode up the mountain to Round Top and Devil's Den near sunset.  A beautiful view in a sacred place. So many lives lost on both sides.  What bravery to fight face-to-face like this!

Georgia memorial at Gettysburg

Inscription on the Georgia memorial

Georgia seal inscribed on monument

Historic marker detailing Georgia's role in the battle
Jamie at the Georgia monument

From Round Top looking across the rocky battlefield toward Devil's Den

Vista from Round Top

Sunset at Gettysburg
The museum at the National Military Park holds a vast collection of Civil War equipment and displays tell the story of the three days of fighting in this turning point battle of July 2-4, 1863.  A film and cyclorama provide a quick overview.  This historic 360° painting is lovely, but I prefer Atlanta's Cyclorama to this one. At Gettysburg, visitors stand in one place while lights highlight various parts of the canvas; in Atlanta, the theatre turns in a slow circle so that visitors see the entire painting.

Inside the Visitors Center
A few miles south of Gettysburg, we visited the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland.  Annually, the Academy memorializes firefighters from across the nation who have perished in the line of duty. 

Memorial to America's fallen firefighters

Our tour guide Ashley snapped this photo of our foursome at the firefighters memorial
911 Memorial on the campus of the National Fire Academy 

on the campus of the National Fire Academy

Chief Sullivan on the campus of the National Fire Academy, recalling his training there nearly 10 years ago
 After soaking ourselves in sites for the past ten days, it was most fitting that we got soaked by a rainshower as we walked the half mile back to our travel trailers after this last tour!  Thank goodness for dry towels, a change of clothes, a different pair of shoes, and our own place to change.

A walk in the rain in Emmitsburg returning to our travel trailers

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