Friday, July 7, 2017

Aiming for Ohio Amish Country

Long haul today from Lexington, Kentucky, to Winesburg, Ohio.  The first half of our drive was interstate.

We stopped at a store to pick up a few items and grab some lunch from the deli. It seemed like we stayed a bit longer than we should have.  The sky was growing ominously dark and we still had miles to go.

Ominous sky ahead
We made it safely through a torrential downpour and wind.  As always, though, God's timing is perfect.  When traffic on our two lane road came to a standstill, we discovered significant damage: a large tree blocked the road and a crumpled tin roof lay in a field.  Had we been there sooner, we would have been in the midst of the storm.  Now I know "why" I forgot the bathmat at home & needed to shop a few extra minutes during our lunch stop today.
Wind damage evidence in a field

clearing a downed tree from the roadway
We continued on our journey, arriving in authentic Amish country - not the tourist area - at rush hour on a Friday afternoon. We met dozens of horses and buggies trotting along the road.  Our Google Map claimed to be taking us on the fastest route; I seriously doubt this route qualified as such, but we were happy with the result.

Rush hour in Ohio Amish country
Buggies on the move
Our four lane freeway turned into a two lane highway, then into a narrow road, before becoming a country lane winding through cornfields and bean fields dotted with homes and barns.  Bicycles, buggies and vehicles shared the road.  So picturesque, but few pictures taken - we were on the move.

Hay stacks in Ohio
Our home for the night is Amish Country Campsites.  Tight spaces! Glad Jamie is an expert at parking and making turns! Friendly neighbors, too.

The temperature has dropped: 64 degrees this afternoon. We enjoyed dining outside this evening, but as the sun set, the cool became cold to us. Our windows are open; no air conditioning needed!
Fireflies are darting about! 

The cooks busy preparing dinner
View from our campsite


  1. Enjoying hearing about your travels and the pictures you share.

  2. Thanks, Nancy. We're having a great time!


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