Monday, April 11, 2016

Easter at Lake Claiborne, Louisiana

Rain storms pounded south Georgia, but we were headed west to Louisiana with the SolAire for a long Easter weekend to visit with relatives.

What beautiful weather we experienced!  Sunshine and pleasant spring temperatures made this a perfect camping weekend. We arrived at Lake Claiborne State Park shortly before sunset, set up our rig, and then went on into town to have dinner with our hosts.
Electric jacks make setting up & taking down so much easier.
The eleven hour trip was long, but so worth the time we got to spend with our 98-year-old cousin and his daughters, who've always been some of my favorite cousins - maybe because they were chic twenty-somethings who were never too old to entertain me when I was a little girl.  

We returned to camp well after closing to find the gate locked; luckily, we had the code. But, oops! The gate came off the hinge. Gee whiz!  

Arriving at our campsite, we saw our neighbors watching an outdoor movie projected onto a white sheet hanging on a clothesline.  The smell of popcorn filled the air.  Had it not been such a long travel day, we would've joined them.

Jamie and I ventured into Ruston, LA, Saturday morning to complete some errands.  We rambled through the campus of Louisiana Tech just as the National Anthem played on the loudspeaker to begin a midday baseball game.  The field was gorgeously manicured in lush green stripes and brick red clay.  With the clear blue sky and bright sunshine - perfect ballgame weather -, we exercised great restraint not to go to the game.

We enjoyed the Easter service at First United Methodist Church of Homer and lunch at the country club, followed by a Sunday afternoon nap.  Jamie checked out some dockside fishing in Lake Claiborne, but threw back his tiny catches.
A beautiful lake - a bit rough as this cloud passed over
Just gotta cast that rod a time or two . . .
What a catch! Throwing that baby back.
Daddy joined us for the trip, but only braved one night in the camper; the first two nights he spent at our cousin's house.  We learned that we need to give a better orientation to our overnight guests: he got cold during the night sleeping on the king-size sofa bed; he didn't know where to find the extra blanket (that was on the chair near his head) or how to turn on the fireplace (that was located just beyond his feet).  I hope he'll give camping with us another shot one day, but I'm not convinced he will.
Jamie and Daddy drinking their morning coffee before packing the rig and heading back to Georgia
Though we didn't have much time to enjoy this lovely state park, we were quite pleased with our choice for weekend accommodations.  The sites are paved, though they are closely situated and the pavement is narrow, with drop-offs on either side, making backing into the spot somewhat challenging. Fortunately, someone is an expert backer, and someone else is a decent radio communicator: "Come on back. On back. Stoooop! Now cut it sharp! More to the passenger side. You got it. Whoa!"  At least I can use my quiet voice with the two-way radio instead of hollering out for the whole campground to hear.
Beautiful view through the trees over Lake Claiborne
Crossing the mighty Mississippi going and coming fueled our dreams of summer vacation.  We'll be heading up the Great River Road in June.  Time to read Life on the Mississippi and reserve our campsites for the big adventure. By the way, it is possible to order a book on Amazon while traveling Interstate 20 near Vicksburg and have it arrive at your doorstep the very next day.  Just saying.
My view from the backseat: crossing the Mississippi River at Vicksburg
Colorful sunrise through the trees

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