Monday, April 18, 2016


Coach Kirby Smart got his wish!  He asked Bulldog fans to fill Sanford Stadium for the annual G-Day spring scrimmage, and, boy, did they!  The official count released was 92,700.  The actual number had to have been much higher - there was standing room only, and people were standing two and three deep in the aisles and along the walkways. The stadium was packed!

We sat here in Section 108 with Jim & Christy who were kind enough to reserve some space; Tim & Lynn, David & Marie headed to the upper deck to claim one of those empty seats.  By the time they arrived, those seats were full, too!
The weather was perfect for a spring game - bright sunshine, bearing down warmly - hot enough to run thousands of spectators out of the gates by the half.  We were among them.

We climbed the hill(s) of north campus, making our way across Broad Street and down to a rocking little pub where we met the rest of our group who had given up the scrimmage sooner than we did.

It was fun to be a part of history-in-the-making: being at Sanford Stadium on #93KDay, welcoming Kirby as Head Coach, checking out the prospects of the Fall season ahead.

If two people are in the picture, is it still a selfie?
While waiting on a street corner for our limo-bus to pick us up, we were entertained by a three-person purple-clad folk band, who advertised ten cent photo opps with the giant.  He really was extra tall, and their music added pleasantness to our wait and our people-watching.

Jamie & Lynn with the purple-clad folk singers; the giant is standing - this photo doesn't do justice to his height.
Our camp host at Big Dog Tire apologized profusely earlier in the day; we didn't think much of it, until we heard the "music" at the party.  Not sure that can be called music: heavy thuds, indistinguishable utterances -- some call it rap music. At least it lasted only until 11:15 PM, and we had been forewarned. We were in a college town on a beautiful spring weekend with a football game - outdoor parties were to be expected.

David, Jamie & Tim hanging out before the scrimmage
The camping sites overlooking the Middle Oconee River behind the tire company on Atlanta Highway are level - a big plus when arriving late at night like we did.  No water or sewer hookups - fill your tank and bring your generator.  There are some bathrooms, but if there's a big party going on, you will not want to walk through the crowd to get there.  Limo shuttles will take you to the stadium and pick you up.

A generator is a must at the Big Dog Tire campground 
We reserved four sites for our group; there was plenty of room for others for G-Day.  On a typical fall game weekend, the sites are fully booked.

The Big Dog welcomed us to camp.
Miss Joy & SFC Tabb joined us Saturday night in the canned ham; they were in town for a family function. Of course, Jamie prepared his now-famous breakfast burritos Sunday morning.

The troopers catching up over morning coffee
Another travel trailer adventure in the books! Many more to come . . .

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