Monday, February 15, 2016

Fall Finale

Tailgating Camp-Style
The Georgia-Auburn game has become one of our fall highlights.  We look forward to this gathering of friends and family each year, alternating between the hayfields in Auburn and the campground behind Big Dog Tire in Athens.

Nighttime in the hayfields
This year was no exception. Our menfolk headed out of town on Thursday, campers in tow, to set up camp in the land of the War Eagle or the Tigers or whatever those Orange and Blue fans call themselves.  They snagged an ideal spot plenty large enough for five rigs and a roaring campfire. Buddy camping at its best.

Plenty of firewood ready to keep us warm; Game Day playing on the TV
A tent full of food at all times
Lots of food, warmth by the campfire and fun-filled team spirit occupied our time in Auburn.

Some of our group attended the game; others of us kept the campfire burning.  Afterwards, we watched the Georgia bus convoy leaving town; Coach Richt drove separately - we wondered why - the news Sunday morning answered: he flew to Washington state to recruit.  It wouldn't be but a few weeks more before we'd learn of Richt's departure from UGA.

Thanksgiving at Hannahatchee
After enjoying a scrumptious Thanksgiving Dinner at the lake with family, we headed over to Louvale to Hannahatchee for a couple nights of camping with John & Becky in their new camper.

We learned that we can survive a few days with a generator and a full water tank in place of electric and water hookups.
Boondocking at Hannahatchee with Becky & John
Thanks to the Gator at the farm, we ventured into the badlands under cover of darkness - oh, it's creepy! Remember when we visited last spring?

On Friday, our foursome toured the Infantry Museum at Fort Benning.  We were especially intrigued by a tiny exhibit on the 1983 invasion of Grenada as we have a cousin who was involved in this operation.  No Black Friday shopping for us!

New Year's at Mike's Place
We rounded out the year with a final trip to St. Joe Beach.  We arrived at the campsite to find the neighbors had celebrated the season with lots of lights.
Signs of the season lit up the neighborhood
We met our friend Mike and his companion there, endured a cool and breezy boat ride up the canal, and watched fireworks on the beach.
The sun came out for a few minutes - seemed like a good idea to put the boat in the water and take a ride.

The rain is about to start. Again.  Can you tell by the photo that it was cold?
We included the traditional New Year menu items to ensure our luck for the coming year: black eyed peas and greens with cornbread.
Always keeping warm with a campfire. Christmas lights remind us the season's not quite over.
We watched movies and television shows while it rained.  With friends around and adequate indoor space in the SolAire, we rang in the New Year just fine.

And, we marked our 50th night in the SolAire: January 1, 2016.

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