Monday, February 15, 2016

Mercer Reunion at Rocky Bend

Feburary 5-7, 2016

Baby, it's cold outside!  The river is high and flowing fast following heavy rain and flash flooding last week.
Not sure this photo shows just how high the Flint River is ...
... Unless you can compare it this photo from last spring

Erosion at Rocky Bend is evidence of January flooding.  Marks on the trees show the height the water reached.  It sure was smart to put those cabins on stilts!

Our weekend at Rocky Bend Flint River Retreat was a working trip.  Jamie's Mercer relatives were in town, so we celebrated an upcoming graduation on Friday night, then "the old folks" reminisced and studied their genealogy on Saturday.  We capped it off Sunday morning with breakfast before saying goodbye to the ones who chose accommodations at Rocky Bend.

We love the Pavilion at Rocky Bend - it's perfect for mid-size gatherings.  It's become our go-to spot for family events.  Sandra & James stayed in the Lighter Knot; others chose the two bedroom Cypress Knee; and Pat & Stephen brought their Airstream Bambi.  Yes, we will do some buddy camping with these relatives in the near future.
Just look at the artistry in this kitchenette - the cabins at Rocky Bend are fabulous.  (Photo: Rocky Bend)

It was much too cold for camping, but having the SolAire there made the hospitality work easier.

We've got camping fever.  We're ready for some warmer weather.  Somehow, watching Sunday afternoon television in the SolAire while parked in the backyard just doesn't fulfill the need to go camping.
This sums it up - thanks to the internet for sending this photo our way.

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