Sunday, October 23, 2016

Food + Fellowship = Fun

Friends, family and a grill - a quick and easy camping outing.  Just a mile or so from the house, we set up a campsite where soybeans are juxtaposed to pecans.

John & Becky, and Jerry & Angie joined us with their campers.  Little did we know, we would be in for some booming surprises.
Three campers set up
Just after we had gotten the electrical cords situated and put the potatoes in the Dutch Oven to bake, something exploded.  Was it the potatoes?  Jerry checked.  Was it a breaker?  John checked.  We ladies sniffed around, seeking the source.  A battery.  Yikes!

John & Becky headed into town to get a replacement. Then, noises.  Did that battery explode again? Nope.  Truck trouble!  What a way to start a Saturday afternoon camping trip!

But all's well that ends well.  The battery got replaced and the truck got repaired, and the camping continued.

The warm afternoon sun and light breeze created flawless Fall weather.  The gentlemen grilled some Coca-Cola chicken on the Weber and baked potatoes in the Dutch Oven.
Those birds will be delicious in a little while.
The temperature dipped after nightfall, so we gathered close to the campfire, grateful for the warmth on this first cold experience of the season.  The clear night sky allowed for some stargazing.

We toasted the arrival of Fall with marshmallows, graham crackers and Hershey bars.

Camping close to home has its benefits.  The pianist among us made it to church on time to fulfill her responsibilities.  Gipper, Huck and Sara came for breakfast.

Jamie & I lingered late into the afternoon enjoying the outdoors, wishing we could have this kind of weather year-round.

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